®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week
CRE and Others Provide Recommendations on Possible Revisions to OMB Regulatory Review
CRE and many others are providing their views on possible revisions to E.O. 12866 in response to an Administration request.
The CRE comments point out that the Order was developed by both Democratic and Republican Administrations over some forty years, and therefore it should not be altered substantially without clear evidence that it is flawed. Since OMB reviews the federal budget and how tax dollars are spent, it makes sense that it review how the Nation's regulatory dollars are spent, particularly under current economic conditions; and having a single entity responsible for those reviews allows for greater transparency and accountability. Additionally, CRE argues that --
- "Independent" agencies should be covered to the extent possible under the Constitution.
The many statutes requiring OMB involvement in estimating costs and benefits require that it oversee how costs and benefits are estimated in individual rules.
OIRA should continue in its role of mediating inter-agency regulatory disputes.
The Order should strengthen SBA Advocacy's ability to comment on impacts on small businesses.
White House officials outside OIRA should not be able to avoid transparency.
Click here to go to the public docket and CRE's comments.