®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week
CRE Comments on MMS' Proposed OCS Leasing Plan
The CRE comments to MMS on their draft Outer Continental Shelf leasing plan and Environmental Impact Statement were developed through the use of an Interactive Public Docket (IPD) . The IPD is premised on the fact that in a wired society the time-limited public comment period in the Administrative Procedure Act is obsolete.
The most helpful IPDs are those that encourage the posting of multiple perspectives. Thus, the IPD used to formulate CRE's comments on the proposed Five-Year OCS Plan includes comments received from diverse stakeholders on draft CRE comments posted on the IPD. Public comments, and CRE's responses, are posted on the IPD's Discussion Forum .
Consequently, CRE is not only presenting its comments to MMS but also has vetted them with the public, including persons who take exception to CRE's analyses. CRE's comments, the detailed responses to the draft comments received via the IPD, and CRE's responses to stakeholder comments constitute a precedent-setting demonstration project on use of an IPD as a transparent e-government tool that enhances public participation in lengthy, complex rulemakings.
As an integral part of the IPD process, CRE invites all persons to continue the marine spacial planning dialog on the Discussion Forum. CRE will provide updated analyses of IPD materials to MMS on an ongoing basis.
Click here to read CRE OCS comments