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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

NOAA Seeks Public Comment on Draft Oceans and Health Report
On January 26, 2010, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration published Federal Register notice seeking comment on the draft report of NOAA's Science Advisory Board Oceans and Health Working Group.

NOAA asked this SAB working Group to address the following issues in its report:

    "(1) What are NOAA's unique and important scientific roles in addressing ocean health issues?
    (2) What are the right ocean health science questions, products and services for NOAA?
    (3) Are there additional ocean health science issues that should be included in the NOAA research portfolio? If so, what are these?
    (4) What are the appropriate steps for NOAA to incorporate and advance ocean health as part of its core mission?
    (5) How could NOAA more systematically develop ocean health products and services to enhance ecosystem, organism, human, and community health?
    (6) How can NOAA better integrate among its major programs, including activities conducted within the agency and those supported in the external community, to better define and assess ocean health issues?"
Public comment on this draft report must be received by NOAA by 5 p.m. ET on February 25, 2010.
  • Click here to read NOAA's Federal Register notice