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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

NOAA Seeks Comment on how to Improve Communication with Stakeholders
On March 9, 2010, the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration intends to publish a Federal Register notice which states that NOAA's

    " Science Advisory Board (SAB) has identified a need for more effective two-way communication between its programs and the customers and clients it serves. This survey instrument will be used by NOAA's Office of Education and the Gulf of Mexico Regional Collaboration Team to obtain information used to assess NOAA's accessibility, responsiveness and respect for partners. These parameters are three of the seven parameters included in the Kellogg Engagement Test, which the SAB recommended NOAA use for assessing engagement with constituents. One objective of the survey is to collect responses to provide NOAA with information and feedback from its constituents that will lead to greater emphasis placed on the needs of NOAA partners, techniques to improve NOAA's products and services, and general improvement in the accessibility and responsiveness of NOAA to constituents. A longer term objective is for this survey to become a standard NOAA tool accessing engagement with constituents."
This will be a web-based survey using the Survey Monkey. A print version of the survey will also be made available upon request.

Before NOAA can conduct this survey, the Agency has to obtain OMB approval of an Information Collection Request under the U.S. Paperwork Reduction Act. NOAA requests public comment on this ICR by April 30, 2010. The public will be given another opportunity to comment after NOAA sends the ICR to OMB for review and approval.

CRE commends NOAA on its efforts to improve communication with the community it serves and regulates.