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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

NOAA Seeks Comment On Its Arctic Vision And Strategy
On May 10, 2010, the U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration published a Federal Register notice requesting comment on NOAA's Arctic Vision and Strategy. Comments must be submitted to NOAA by June 10, 2010.

NOAA summarizes its Arctic Vision and Strategy as follows:

    "NOAA envisions an Arctic where decisions and actions related to conservation, management, and use are based on sound science and support healthy, productive, and resilient communities and ecosystems. The agency seeks a future where the global implications of Arctic change are better understood and predicted.

    NOAA will focus its efforts on the following six priority goals needed to realize this vision:

    1) Forecast Sea Ice
    2) Strengthen Foundational Science to Understand and Detect Arctic Climate and Ecosystem Changes
    3) Improve Weather and Water Forecasts and Warning
    4) Enhance International and National Partnerships
    5) Improve Stewardship and Management of Ocean and Coastal Resources in the Arctic
    6) Advance Resilient and Healthy Arctic Communities and Economies."
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