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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

IQA Request for Correction Filed on a Press Release?
The blog Legal Pad reported that Scott Harkonen's lawyers filed a request for correction of a Justice Department press release about Mr.Harkonen's conviction of federal crimes. The request is reportedly filed under DOJ's Information Quality Act Guidelines, which provide affected parties with a process for correcting information disseminated by DOJ which they believe to be inaccurate or unreliable.

We do not understand how Mr. Harkonen could obtain relief under the IQA because the DOJ and most other agency IQA Guidelines do not apply to press releases. In DOJ's own words:

    "In addition the guidance does not apply to information disseminated in the following contexts:…press releases fact sheets, press conferences or similar communications (in any medium) that announce, support or give public notice of information in DOJ…."
It would also be helpful if Legal Blog or someone else could post a copy of Mr.Harkonen's IQA request for correction because we have unable to find it online.

  • Click here to read Legal Bog article on the IQA request