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Department of Health and Human Services

IWC Forum

CRE Enforcement NGOs

  • What's Wrong With This Picture?
  • American Association of University Professors
  • The Second Case in Which the DC Circuit Has Reviewed Agency Actions under the Data Quality Act

    Other DQA See MKG

    ESA Challenge

    NOAA Disavows IWC Endorsement of Engle Study

    Congressional Use of DQA

  • DQA and Climate Change
  • Atrazine

    2008 CRE BPA Recommendations

    LA Times Interview

    Invoking the “third-party” provisions of the DQA

    Review of "Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases" Report of a Joint World Health Organization (WHO)/Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Expert Consultation (WHO Technical Report Series 916) by the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture

    CRE Urges FDA To Inform BPA Reviewers Of Data Quality Act Standards

    NGO Use of Data Quality Act

    The DEA Quietly Removes Cannabis Health Risks from Website

    Data Quality Act Challenge


    Houston DQA Petition

    Endocrine Extension?

    ATRAZINE Effects in Xenopus Aren’t Reproducible Interview

    CRE DQA Petition to WHO (September '03 Reg Week)

    NGOs Recognize DQA Significance for Third-Party Comments

    EPA's Response to Atrazine Comments (relevant pages are 18-20)

    EPA cannot utilize NRDC’s comments on biosolids because they fail to meet the requirements of the Data Quality Act

    CRE Asks Marine Mammal Commission To Publish DQA Guidelines

    NHTSA Warns it Can't Use Public Comment That Doesn't Meet DQA Standards

    CRE Commends NOAA/NMFS on DQA Implementation

    CRE Letter to the American Association of College Professors Citing the Data Quality Act

    CRE Letter to IWC Citing Data Quality Act

    HHS Letter to WHO Citing Data Quality Act

    OMB Watch article on CRE Data Quality to WHO

    Examples of Third Party Interventions
  • Lasar Letter
  • Benton Foundation
  • Daily Kos
  • Technorati
  • Social Science Research Council
  • HHS: Data Quality Act Petitions
    HHS has established a website which catalogs all of the data quality petitions(Requests for Correction) and actions thereto pursuant to the Data Quality Act on a website. In response to petitions, the agency has made some substantive changes in its information products, see, for example number 13, smokeless tobacco. CRE has two petitions pending before the agency.

  • Click here to visit website
  • CRE and Growers File Petition to Correct Description of Review Procedures for 12th Report on Carcinogens Nominations
    On May 19, 2004, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Toxicology Program published a Federal Register notice of nominations for listing in the 12th Report on Carcinogens. The notice contains references to two different review procedures, and both cannot be the correct procedures. The petition, filed on June 28, seeks withdrawal of the inaccurate notice and withholding of nominations until the Agency accurately informs the public on what review procedures will apply.

  • Click to read the petition.
  • Environmental Work Group Files Data Quality Act Challenge to FDA Advice on Consumption of Mercury in Fish
    On December 22, 2003, EWG filed a 23-page petition with FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. The petition contends that the FDA advisory does not comply with the Data Quality Act legal requirements that information be useful, reproducible, transparent, and based on sound science. EWG has stated that it will seek judicial review of the FDA advice if the petition is not granted.

  • Click for EWG petition.
  • Click for EWG policy statements and news releases.
  • Petition to Correct Information on Styrene Oxide Use in Reinforced Plastics Operations
    On June 10, 2003, the Styrene Informtion and Research Council filed a petition to correct a press release and fact sheet issued in connection with listing of styrene oxide in the 10th Report on Carcinogens. The Council's petition pointed out that the RoC listing carefully explained that styrene oxide apparently was created as an unintentional byproduct in the production of reinforced plastics, whereas the press release and fact sheet indicated that the chemical was used intentionally as a raw material in production.

  • Click to read the petition.
  • Click for information obtained from OMB Watch.
  • The Salt Insitute and the Chamber of Commerce of the United States challenged a number of disseminations of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute reporting the results of a study of the impact of salt intake on blood pressure
    The challenge alleges that the disseminatios are not objective because assertions that study results show that reduction of dietary salt intake would lower blood pressure in all Americans are not supported, and the key study omits key information the would support that assertion.

  • Click to read.
  • Click for information obtained from OMB Watch.
  • CRE Challenges Federal Use of WHO Dietary Study, Emphasizes International Scientific Studies Must Comply With Data Quality Act and Guidelines
    CRE has filed a Request for Correction of Information contained in a World Health Organization (WHO) Report. Both USDA and HHS have stated an intent to base their 2005 Dietary Guidelines, in part, on a WHO Report. Before USDA and HHS are legally able to rely on any of the data and analyses contained in WHO Technical Report 916, the agencies must conduct a Data Quality pre-dissemination review to ensure that all information used by the agency fully complies with the U.S. Government's Data Quality standards. The pre-dissemination review process needs to include participation by all stakeholders. Subsequent to the review, USDA and HHS or WHO may need to supplement the WHO Report with corrections before the agencies will be able to base policy guidance on any information, including recommendations, contained in the Report.

  • Click to read Request for Correction.
  • Click to read CRE transmittal letter to USDA and HHS.
  • Click to read CRE transmittal letter to WHO and FAO.
  • Click to submit a comment.