Legacy on Menthol

Aug 7, 2010

Periodically, CRE will highlight a comment sent to a regulatory docket.
In this instance we are highlighting comments made by the Legacy Foundation to CTR, see the attachment.

With respect to menthol, Legacy states that menthol is a starter product for youth(pg. 16).

Virtually no scientific information is presented in support of this claim.

The TPSAC proceeding is aimed at addressing this issue. In this regard see the CRE analysis of the Hersey studied often quoted by FDA which is available at http://www.thecre.com/scur/?p=35

Pursuant to the Data Quality Act, the public may submit any information it desires to a federal agency but the agency can only use information it deems to be DQA compliant.

CTR Legacy.pdf (3 MB)

Attached Files:

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