The attached NEJM Perspective column, “A Lost Opportunity for Public Health — The FDA Advisory Committee Report on Menthol” makes claims regarding menthol and smoking initiation/cessation that are utterly unsuported by the TPSAC’s administrative record.

Editor’s Note:

The attached AJPH Editorial explains the journal’s policy objectives which underlie the three subsequent menthol-related studies.


Editor’s Note:

The attached study published in AJPH which uses a highly speculative simulation methodology to reach conclusions about the impact of a menthol ban that are at odds with the literature on menthol and smoking initiation/cessation.


Attached Files:

Editor’s Note: 

The atttached study published in AJPH makes claims regarding menthol and smoking cessation that are at odds with much of the published literature on the topic.  The article then engages in editorializing that should have no place in a scientific study.


Editor’s Note:

The attached study published in AJPH uses highly biased survey questions, i.e., asking about a preference for a menthol ban without any mention of the consequences and adds baseless speculation about a unsupported link between menthol and smoking initiation.