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CRE Watch List: Special Projects

EPA HPV Chemical Testing Program

CRE Analysis of Comments to HPV Docket

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CRE Analysis of Comments to HPV Docket
News Media Reports on Chemical Testing

American Chemistry Council Identifies Serious Deficiencies in EPA's HPV Rulemaking
The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has identified serious deficiencies in EPA's proposed HPV rulemaking. Although ACC made clear their strong support for the voluntary HPV Challenge Program, the Council's comments point out major problems with the proposed rule which EPA needs to address prior to taking any regulatory action.

  • Read CRE's Review of ACC's Comments
  • Read ACC's Comments to EPA.
  • Read Selected Quotes From ACC's Comments to EPA.
  • Read CRE comments on EPA's HPV Rulemaking.
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    The Color Pigments Manufacturers Association Comments on EPA's HPV NPRM: A CRE Review
    The Color Pigment Manufacturers Association (CPMA) raised several serious concerns in response to EPA's HPV NPRM including that the Agency has prevented companies from providing meaningful comment on the test procedures guidelines referenced in the NPRM. CPMA strongly supports revisions in both the proposed rule and the voluntary HPV Challenge Program.

  • Read CRE's Review of CPMA's Comments
  • Read CPMA's Comments to EPA
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