Response Letter from Sue Bierman (San Francisco Board
of Supervisors) to MBS
January 21, 1999
Jim J. Tozzi, Director
Multinational Business Services
11 DuPont Circle. Suite 700
Washington DC 20036
Dear Mr. Tozzi:
I am in receipt of your letter of December 29 regarding government agencies' involvement with dioxin regulation.
I was appalled at your concluding recommendation that "Issues of scientific health effects analysis should be removed from the political arena." It goes without saying that the integrity of scientific processes should be to the highest possible level; given conflicting analyses, we elected representatives must weigh each viewpoint carefully to make decisions. Your recommendation that scientific analyses be somehow outside government purview goes to the heart of the democratic process. We are elected precisely to understand both sides of issues and we are entrusted with decision-making. In your view, then, would all issues of scientific analysis be left in the hands of those entities which can afford hired guns such as yourselves?
Sue Bierman