City’s Infamous Black Market

Editor’s  Note:  We can not identify  the date of the following post; however its substance supports the conclusion that contraband is a significant issue.

Village Voice


Judge questions FDA’s graphic tobacco warnings

September 27, 2011 — A federal judge expressed doubts during a hearing last week about whether the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can force tobacco companies to post graphic images on their cigarette packages showing the negative effects of smoking, according to a Washington Post report.

In June, the FDA announced that it will require larger, more prominent health warnings on all cigarette packaging and advertisements in the U.S., beginning in September 2012. (Click here to see the nine graphic health warnings the agency has chosen.)

Hiring Practices Discriminate Against Smokers At Baylor

Editor’s  Note:  Health professionals are on a slippery slope when they believe they have the inherent authority to determine what is socially acceptable behavior.

Hank Campbell

Science 2.0
Opponents of nationalized health care have been concerned about a slippery slope of preexisting conditions that would create a ghetto for people that are culturally unfashionable.

Employers burdened with mandated health insurance by the federal government will think about yet another cost when it comes hiring time; a history of illness?  No job.  Obese?  No job.  And the only solution to that would be even more government employees investigating companies for hiring discrimination.   The Baylor Health Care System is already doing it.  If there is any evidence you use any tobacco product of any kind, you are not getting hired.

Big tobacco, and its ad firms, push back


Boston Hearld

The ANA (Association of National Advertisers) has filed a “friend of the court” brief in opposition to a series of graphic warnings required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on all tobacco products and advertising.

Six tobacco companies filed a lawsuit in federal court in DC challenging the new rules and are seeking a preliminary injunction.

The new FDA Graphic Warnings Rule was mandated by Congress under the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009. The FDA issued its final rule on June 21.

Tobacco Cos. Get Allies in Warning Label Fight


Convenience Store News

RICHMOND, Va. — Tobacco companies are gathering support in their legal battle against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over new graphic cigarette warning labels. In their corner now are two advertising industry groups which joined the opposition to the new mandates on Friday.

The Association of National Advertisers and the American Advertising Federation filed briefs with the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. in connection with the lawsuit brought by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Lorillard Tobacco Co., Commonwealth Brands Inc. and Liggett Group LLC. The advertising groups contend the labels infringe on commercial free speech and could lead to further government intrusion if left unchallenged, according to the Associated Press.

Harvard Medical School Adviser: Are e-cigarettes a safe alternative


Harvard  Medical School Adviser


QUESTION: After smoking for more than 15 years, I finally quit eight months ago. I think I’m past the physical cravings, but I still miss cigarettes. I recently heard about electronic cigarettes, which vaporize nicotine and don’t create actual smoke. Are they a safer alternative to cigarettes?

ANSWER: There is no question that cigarette withdrawal symptoms are frustrating. They are the reason most people do not succeed at quitting.

Craving cigarettes is one of the hardest symptoms to deal with for many people. But whatever you do, don’t give in to the lure. If you do, all your hard work and health gains will go up in smoke.

Non-Face-to-Face Sale of Tobacco Products and Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing of Tobacco Products by FDA

On Monday, September 12th,  FDA informed the tobacco industry, anti-tobacco groups, and interested parties that they are preparing to consider rules which will further regulate non-face-to-face sale and distribution of tobacco products (e.g. E-commerce).  Equal focus will be paid to the advertising, promotion and marketing of tobacco products sold via non-face-to-face exchange.

FDA admits in this advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) that the enactment of the PACT Act effectively satisfied the requirements of the Tobacco Act by requiring positive age verification and adult signatures for accepting tobacco product deliveries.  Their alleged concern is whether these are enough to prevent minors from illegally obtaining tobacco products, particularly by category.

FDA Plans Tobacco PR RFPs

O’Dwyer’s  Blog
The Food and Drug Administration is planning two solicitations this month for PR programs funded under the 2009 law that imposed new warnings and regulations on tobacco products and gave the FDA authority over the sector.

Both RFPs are intended to select pools of firms to compete for and handle communications projects over the next five years for assignments related to the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act passed in January 2009. That law gave the FDA the authority to address both tobacco dependence and its use by young people, nearly a decade after the Supreme Court said in 2000 that the FDA didn’t have such power.

Michael Shannon: Cigarette labels’ effectiveness seriously in doubt


News  Record  Greensboro NC

It is endlessly surprising that a newspaper whose very existence is protected by the First Amendment would so quickly brush off those same rights for an unpopular industry such as tobacco without even examining the facts. At the very least we would hope that our local paper would acknowledge that the company is entitled to a fair review of these facts in the court system, even if the News & Record  is unwilling to do the same (Sept. 1 editorial, “A warning worth hearing”).

Lawrence Deyton, award nominee, heads FDA campaign against smoking


By , Published: September 7

As a college student during the 1970s, Lawrence Deyton grew a ponytail to the middle of his back. His mother “hated it, she just hated it,” he said.

So the young man, headed toward a career in public health, offered a trade.

“Quit smoking, and I’ll cut my ponytail. She said, ‘Deal,’ ” recalled Deyton, sporting considerably less hair now. His mother quit the Pall Malls, and he mailed her the remains of his coiffure.

She lived 35 more years, said Deyton, director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products. “In her effects, after she died, there was the ponytail.”

Dr. Eissenberg Added to TPSAC


In CRE’s  recent testimony to TPSAC we emphasized the importance of not having total abstinence as the default position.  Dr. Eissenberg’s appointment is a movement in that direction.

Thomas E. Eissenberg, Ph.D.
Expertise: Psychology, Potentially reduced exposure products, Waterpipes
Term: 08/01/11-12/31/15
Professor, Department of Psychology and Institute for Drug and Alcohol Studies, and
Director, Clinical Behavioral Pharmacology Laboratory
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980205
Richmond, Virginia  23298

Request for Nominations to TPSAC


Food and Drug Administration

[Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0002]

Request for Nominations for Voting Members on a Public Advisory
Committee; Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


The Philibuster: Big Tobacco sues FDA, smoking warning labels absurd


The Daily Reveile

The head honchos at Big Tobacco recently filed suit in the U.S. District Court of Washington, D.C., against — interestingly enough — the federal government.

The plaintiffs, led by J.R. Reynolds Tobacco Company, allege that the government’s newly revealed, mandatory, graphic (read: grotesque) warning labels on cigarette packages — one of the extensive regulating powers granted the Food and Drug Administration by the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009 — infringe upon their constitutional rights.

I know what you’re saying — it’s a patently open-and-shut case, more smokescreen litigation, mere smoke-and-mirrors politics. You’re right. Big Tobacco is blowing smoke, for all intents and purposes.