Cigarettes Are Enlisted to Test Ways of Quitting


Duff Wilson

New York Times

When a truck recently delivered 45,000 cartons of cigarettes to a research company in North Carolina, it was a turning point in the government’s war on smoking.

These were no ordinary cigarettes, but experimental ones, made of genetically altered tobacco to lower the nicotine content by 97 percent while preserving all the other tastes and smells and rituals for smokers of conventional cigarettes.

Researchers had been seeking a new and bigger supply because shortages had limited previous studies to just dozens of people. The experimental cigarettes are produced by a Massachusetts company, the 22nd Century Group, which holds 98 patents for genetic manipulation of tobacco plants to reduce or increase the amount of nicotine in cigarettes.

Mo. judge declares mistrial in tobacco lawsuit

ST. LOUIS (Legal Newsline) – A St. Louis jury on Tuesday failed to return a verdict in a class action case against Philip Morris USA over whether smokers were deceived into believing “light” and low-tar cigarettes reduced health hazards.

As a result, St. Louis Circuit Judge Michael David declared a mistrial in the $700 million lawsuit against the cigarette maker.

“After 11 years of pre-trial proceedings and a month and a half of testimony, today’s mistrial shows that the plaintiffs failed to convince a jury of their claims,” Murray Garnick, Altria Client Services senior vice president and associate general counsel, speaking on behalf of Philip Morris, said in a statement Tuesday.

Bringing Accountability to the FDA Menthol Proceedings

The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on October 25th to consider the proposed Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011.  The bill would mandate analysis of the costs and benefits of any attempt by FDA to ban menthol cigarettes.  The bill would also allow judicial enforcement of the bill’s analytic requirements. Such analysis would shed new light on proposals to outlaw menthol cigarettes.  The legislation would mandate the analysis of the key issues CRE has raised to the TPSAC and FDA including:

    1.   The public health consequences from the sale of counterfeit cigarettes which contain far higher levels of lead, mercury and other toxins than legal products; and

Pipes Smokers May Be the Next Target of the FDA

By Kevin Godbee
U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) have sent a letter dated October 14, 2011, to U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, requesting that the agency “move swiftly to issue a strong regulation that would legally treat or deem all tobacco products, including cigars, pipe tobacco, and hookah tobacco and accessories, as subject to the Tobacco Control Act.”

The Fraternal Order of Police on a Menthol Ban

 The Fraternal Order of Police has sent a letter to the Commissioner of the FDA stating:

“Historically, the FOP has been very engaged in matters of public policy which impact the trafficking in illegal products. As a result, we have endured significant criticism in the past because we  questioned the wisdom of government policies which, while designed to combat youth smoking or reduce smoking overall, also greatly contributed to a rise in tobacco smuggling and a huge loss in revenue from taxes on tobacco products.”

Ohio Supreme Court to hear smoking ban challenge

HILLSBORO, Ohio (AP) – The Ohio Supreme Court is set to hear arguments Wednesday in a bar owner’s challenge to the state’s ban on smoking in workplaces.

The ban prohibiting smoking in most indoor, public places was overwhelmingly approved by voters in 2006 and took effect in 2007.

The owner of Zeno’s Victorian Village in Columbus challenged the law after the tavern was cited for violations and fined $33,000. It argues the law is unconstitutional.

California inspires Congress on collecting lost tobacco taxes


California, ever the trendsetter, has inspired proposed congressional legislation aimed at cracking down on tobacco smuggling and increasing cigarette tax revenues.

The Smuggled Tobacco Prevention, or STOP, Act would require that tobacco products carry a high-tech stamp, similar to one used in the Golden State, that allows government investigators to track cigarette packages and determine whether taxes were paid and whether tobacco is being diverted to illegal markets.

The measure is modeled after a California program that began in 2005 and has reduced cigarette tax evasion by $133 million annually, according to the State Board of Equalization.

Australia may delay controversial anti-tobacco plan



 By Rob Taylor

CANBERRA | Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:27am BST

CANBERRA (Reuters) – Australia’s government may have to delay plans for the world’s toughest anti-tobacco laws after conservative opposition lawmakers on Wednesday postponed a final vote on the controversial legislation in parliament.

The new laws, which will force cigarettes to be sold in plain packaging from 2012, are being closely watched by New Zealand, Canada, the European Union and Britain, which are considering similar restrictions.

Illegal cigarette business takes off in Mexico

Author: EFE News Services

The illegal cigarette business is growing rapidly and now accounts for about 10 percent of the total tobacco market in Mexico, gaining eight percentage points in the past year, the Alliance Against Illegal Products, or ACPI, said.

“More than 100 illegal brands appeared on the market against the 30 detected in 2010,” ACPI spokesman Gerardo Velazquez said.

The number of packs of illegal cigarettes sold last year rose to “40 million, against the 200 million estimated by the end of 2011,” Velazquez said.

New Study Examines How FDA Tobacco Regulations Affect Smokers

By Marti Lotman

The Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health announced Thursday that they will be working to follow the health and behavior of 40,000 smokers aged 12 and older to study the effects of sweeping 2009 tobacco regulations.

Congress asked the FDA to regulate tobacco products that year and the agency has since overseen the advertisement and product designs of the tobacco industry, including marketing to children.

The new study aims to not only make consumers even more aware of the risks associated with tobacco products, but to help modify regulations.

Electronic Cigarettes Importers Confront FDA

Electronic cigarettes, more commonly referred to as E cigarette devices, are cigarette alternatives where in instead of burning tobacco, it vaporizes nicotine in small amounts and provides you with the same smoking experience while avoiding all the adverse health risks associated with tobacco smoke inhalation.

One of the more reliable electronic cigarettes have been first made available in 2004 by a Chinese company called Ruyan which is now well-known for manufacturing good quality electric cigarettes.

New Cigarette Packaging Must Have Nude Photo of Marlon Brando

Editor’s  Note: On  the first reading of this article in BackStage Magazine we were astounded only to realize that it was in the humor section of the magazine

And Not Young Handsome Brando Either! FDA Says.Humor  ||  By Eric Kohn  ||  Sep 26, 2011

Brando PackagingIllustration by Eric Kohn

WASHINGTON — Regulators for the Food and Drug Administration announced this week that beginning in 2012 cigarette manufacturers will be required by federal law to display a nude photo of actor Marlon Brando on all packages of cigarettes sold in the United States.

Dissolvable tobacco a concern for health experts

Editors Note:  In the CRE testimony to TPSAC on  Modified Risk Products,  CRE  stated that:

the marketing of modifiable risk tobacco products will be permitted when it is reasonably clear that:

1.  The new product will not be more harmful than existing products; and

2.  There is a reasonable scientific basis indicating the new product has the potential to reduce the risk of adverse health effects from consumption of tobacco products.”

Complete testimony at

Some health experts are now stating that dissolvable tobacco products are targeted towards  youth notwithstanding the following statement which is buried in the article.