The FDA and Tobacco Regulation Three Years Later

American Cancer  Society

Chinese suppliers ship e-cigarettes to US as holiday season nears

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electronic cigarettes One of the largest makers of e-cigarettes in the Chinese mainland has announced that it will be shipping its brands to retailing outlets in the US, with their charges at a peak low, due to their determination to penetrate the market using coupons.

This comes at a time when executives of various electronic cigarettes’ companies are acknowledging the fact that more people than ever before are going to avail these vapor-emitting tobacco pipe-lookalikes as their holiday gifts.

How e-cigarettes can reduce the harm caused by smoking


Channel 4  England

This month is Stoptober, a £6m Department of Health campaign to help people to quit smoking within 28 days.  Health experts believe that if they can achieve that they are five times more likely to quit the habit for good.

Persuading people to stop smoking is what anti-tobacco groups describe as the holy grail.   Yet next week, there will be what amounts to an official acknowledgment that sometimes it is simply impossible to persuade some smokers to quit so, instead, there needs to be harm reduction.

Cutting through the smoke

Editor’s Note:  The problem with the Baltimore Sun’s argument is that tobacco is a legal product; if the government is going to impose conditions on its sale, the government mandates must generate benefits  to the public. In the said instance not such benefits were forthccoming.

Our view: If FDA can’t require graphic photos and more compelling warnings on cigarette labels, lives will be shortened for the sake of tobacco’s ‘right’ to profit


U.S. Government Asks Court to Rehear Challenge to FDA’s Graphic Cigarette Labels


Join Together Staff


The U.S. Justice Department has asked a federal appeals court to rehear a case about the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) requirement that tobacco companies place graphic labels on cigarette packages to warn about smoking’s health dangers. In August, a three-judge appeals court panel affirmed a lower court ruling that blocked the mandate.

The Justice Department is asking the full appeals court to rehear the case, USA Today reports. The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington rarely grants such appeals, the newspaper notes.

Tobacco Advertising Going Up in Smoke


Mark J. Miller

Americans purchased 636.5 billion cigarettes way back in 1981. A good chunk of them were likely sucked in by the slew of air-traffic controllers that President Reagan fired. Or maybe it was all the people coming out of the year’s fifth most-popular film, “Cheech and Chong’s Nice Dreams.” Or those taking a break after getting down to Kool & the Gang’s “Celebration.” 

It’s hard to know just where all those cigarettes were going, but that year found Americans purchasing more of the so-called cancer sticks than any other. Since then, of course, there has been a long battle to help people ditch tobacco products in the hopes of bringing down the numbers of death from cancer. 

Dr. Lawrence Deyton of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products: NewPublicHealth Q&A

Robert Wood Johnson  Foundation

Last month at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials Annual Meeting (ASTHO), attendees focused during one session on the progress made in reducing tobacco death and disease—and the significant room for improvement, as tobacco remains the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.

We caught up with Lawrence Deyton, MSPH, MD, director of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products at the ASTHO meeting to get his take on the value of tobacco control as a prevention strategy, as well as the role of state and local public health officials.

FDA Requests TPSAC Nominations

The FDA is publishing Federal Register notices seeking nominations for voting members of the TPSAC and for non-voting industry representatives to serve on the TPSAC.

The FDA notice for Voting members is attached here, Voting-TPSAC

The FDA notice for Non-Voting industry representatives is attached here, Nonvoting-TPSAC.

FDA’s Kid Concerns Fire Up New Fears For Cigar Shops

Fox  Charlotte
by Kirk Hawkins

CHARLOTTE, N.C.–Camel’s Orbs are smokeless tobacco products available on store shelves across the Charlotte area. The Food & Drug Administration is looking to regulate these and other cigarette alternatives because they say they are marketed to kids.

“By decreasing the size of the cigars and adding flavors to it,  the tobacco companies hope to get more people addicted to their products,” said Selay Demir. A senior at Myers Park High School. Demir has been working toward a tobacco free North Carolina with Youth Empowered Solutions since the parents of two close friends passed away. “They never used any type of tobacco product in their life and their death was the result of people who had been smoking,” Demir said.