FDA veteran to spearhead tobacco regulatory efforts; current director to step down in March

By Associated Press,
RICHMOND, Va. — A Food and Drug Administration veteran who helped spearhead efforts to regulate the tobacco industry in the 1990s is taking over the agency’s Center for Tobacco Products.

Mitch Zeller will become the center’s director on March 4, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said in an internal memo sent late Thursday and confirmed by The Associated Press.

The center was created following a 2009 law gave the FDA authority to regulate a number of aspects of tobacco marketing and manufacturing, though the agency cannot ban nicotine or cigarettes outright. Its first chief, Dr. Lawrence Deyton, plans to step down and become a professor of medicine and health policy at George Washington University, Hamburg said.

American Lung Association Protests Against the Promotion of Smoking Cessation; Why Does the ALA Want to Deny Smokers the Opportunity to Quit?

Professor Michael Siegel

The Rest of the Story

In an op-ed published in the Arizona Republic, the Southwest chapter of the American Lung Association has called for a federal ban on the television advertising of electronic cigarettes, protesting against an ad that appeared in the Phoenix area during the Super Bowl and urging the FDA to ban such ads in the future.

FDA Eyes New Warning Labels for Smokeless Tobacco

OHS  Occupational Health and Safety

Four labels already are required that warn of oral cancer and addiction, but the agency has established a public docket to accept comments on how to increase public understanding of the risks.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration soon may require stronger warnings on smokeless tobacco products. The agency has established a public docket to accept comments on how to increase public understanding of the risks.

Comments may be submitted via http://www.regulations.gov (Docket No. FDA-2012-N-1032) for the next 60 days.

Will the FDA Crack Down on E-Cigarettes ?

Alter Net

An important debate over the safety of the e-cigarette is raging.
 Cigarette smokers in the United States have been under steady attack. To smoke is no longer considered glamorous, cool or socially acceptable. Smokers are confronted and shamed by non-smokers and have been banished to huddle and inhale in remote locations far from public view. A series of state laws prohibit smoking in almost all workplaces, restaurants and bars. The most common exceptions to smoking bans are casinos, strip clubs and brothels. Signs outside of buildings order smokers to stand a specific distance away from the entrance. 

Last May, New York City banned smoking in parks, beaches, boardwalks and pedestrian plazas. Mayor Bloomberg said, “When you ask people in our parks and beaches they say they just don’t want smokers there.”