Harm reduction for tobacco addicts – plain packaging doesn’t work

From: BizNews

The Final Deeming Rule: Six Months Later

From: Convenience Store News

FDA’s Mitch Zeller provides update at Convenience Distribution Marketplace.

By Melissa Kress

ORLANDO, Fla. — Much of the latest tobacco legislation has been coming from the state level, but 2016 brought one major change at the federal level: the final deeming rule.

In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it would regulate electronic cigarettes under its authority spelled out in the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009. The first step was to establish its authority to regulate tobacco products not explicitly noted in the 2009 measure. These newly deemed products include electronic cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and hookah. Five years later, the final deeming rule went into effect on Aug. 8, 2016.

Vaping Goes Mainstream: Implementing Regulatory Testing in a Burgeoning Industry

From: R&D Magazine

by Leslie Henderson, Operations Director, Broughton Laboratories and Darren Barrington-Light, Software Marketing Specialist, Informatics & Chromatography Software at Thermo Fisher Scientific

Manufacturers in the relatively new and, up until now, unregulated electronic cigarette industry have had little need for analytical testing until recently. As vaping has become mainstream, the market for e-cigarettes has come under increased scrutiny. In May 2016, the EU implemented the updated Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), which governs the manufacturing and selling of tobacco products, to include e-cigarettes and e-liquids. In 2016 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also updated the Premarket Tobacco Application (PMTA) to include vaping products. These updated directives and regulations require manufacturers to register and rigorously test their products if they want to continue to market them. As regulations continue to evolve, the industry is looking to advanced instrumentation and analytical testing to comply with new quality standards.

Smokers who become vapers drastically cut inhaled toxins, study finds

From: The San Diego Union-Tribune

Bradley J. Fikes

Smokers who switch to e-cigarettes greatly reduce their exposure to carcinogens and other toxic inhaled substances, according to a British study released Monday.

The study of 181 smokers and former smokers was the first to directly measure and compare levels of these substances in people, its authors said. The harm reduction depends on a total substitution of e-cigarettes for smoking, the study stated.

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