Black Law Enforcement Group Questions FDA Menthol Ban

by AFRO Staff
The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) has released a statement citing “serious concerns” about the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s ban on menthol cigarettes.

NOBLE issued the statement prior to hearings scheduled for Oct. 7 and 8 of the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee, which will issue a report and recommendation on menthol early next year. The Advisory Committee has the power to recommend regulations or a ban of menthol cigarettes.

“NOBLE has serious concerns about the unintended consequences of a ban, which we believe would precipitate a robust and troubling illicit market. The possibility of a ‘black market’ economy in menthol cigarettes demands study,” said Jessie Lee, NOBLE executive director, in a press statement. “We urge the Advisory Committee to properly study the potential ramifications of banning menthol.

Le continued, “NOBLE is also concerned that enforcement activities could lead to inequities in law enforcement in African American communities.”

NOBLE was founded in 1976 and represents more than 3,500 top federal, state, county and municipal law enforcement officials of color.

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