FDA Challenges Tobacco Companies

By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health News

Jan. 5, 2011 – Makers of tobacco products that have been changed since Feb. 15, 2007, must show the “new” products are no worse for public health or see the products banned in the U.S., the FDA today ruled.

The rule applies to cigarettes, smokeless tobacco products, and roll-your-own tobacco products. It does not apply to electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). Tobacco companies have until March 22, 2011, to submit evidence to the FDA that new or changed products are “substantially equivalent” to those made before February 2007.

Authority for the rule — and the Feb. 15, 2007, “grandfather” date — comes from the Tobacco Control Act of June 2009, Lawrence R. Deyton, MD, MPH, director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, said at a news conference.

“This law requires the FDA to carefully consider what impact these changes or new products have on the public health,” Deyton said. “No longer will changes to products consumed by millions of Americans be made without anyone knowing.”

Deyton noted that tobacco companies have never before had to tell the FDA what was in their products. They still don’t — unless they want to sell a new product, or one that was altered since February 2007.

In that case, the company must present detailed evidence that the new product is no worse for the public health than the old product. Presumably this will mean telling the FDA exactly what is in the old and new products, and how they are made.

“Up until now, tobacco products have been the only products consumed by millions for which users do not know what they are consuming, because manufacturers frequently alter ingredients without anyone knowing,” Deyton said.

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