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Reg WeekSM: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

EPA Solicits Comment Regarding Preparation of Third U.S. Climate Action Report

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently seeking comments from the general public regarding issues related to the third U.S. Climate Action Report (CAR) which the U.S. is to submit to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) no later than November 30, 2001. The third CAR will contain much information on climate change and specifically the U.S.'s role regarding this subject. Some of the specific topics to be covered in the third CAR include: an update on key baseline assumptions; a review and assessment of activities to date under the action listed in the plan; and an update of the list of actions reflecting changes initiated by responsible agencies since the plan was first proposed in 1993. Also, in accordance with international guidelines, the third CAR will provide an inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sinks, estimate effects of mitigation measures and policies on future emission levels, and describe U.S. involvement in international programs, including associated contributions and funding efforts. Finally, the report will include a discussion of U.S. national circumstances which influence U.S. vulnerability and responses to climate change, information on the U.S. Global Change Research Program, and Global Climate Observing Systems (GCOS)....

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