CRE Regulatory Action of the Week
OMB Analytic Tool Reveals Poor Cost-Effectiveness of NHTSA Tire Standards Proposal
OMB, in the President's FY '03 Budget, used a league table to rank the
cost-effectiveness of ten health and safety regulations. OMB noted that
the tables are "most useful" when based on information about potential or
proposed rules. Thus, CRE is undertaking a series of analyses utilizing
league tables to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of proposed regulations.
CRE's first league table analysis is of NHTSA's proposed tire performance
standards for FMVSS No. 139. The analysis found that NHTSA's proposed
tests are less cost-effective than any rule included in OMB's league
to read CRE letter to NHTSA
to read CRE paper on OMB use of league tables
to read CRE league table analysis of NHTSA tire standards proposal
CRE Regulatory Services