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The Government Wants Help Keeping Senior Citizens Active
The federal Administration on Aging seeks private partners in its campaign to make nutrition and physical activity programs available to senior citizens. The AOA was created by Older Americans Act in 1965. It is part of the Department of Health and Human Services. It is the federal focal point and advocate agency for older persons and their concerns. One of its priorities is helping older people stay active and healthy.

There has been a lot of publicity about childhood obesity. Less publicized is the increasing older American obesity problem. According to Government surveys, 27 % of Americans aged 50-64, and almost 20 % over 65, are obese. The numbers are increasing yearly at an alarming rate. A primary cause is lack of exercise. Center for Disease Control data show that one third of Americans over 65 report no leisure-time physical activity, and over one fourth from 50 to 64 report no physical activity.

The AOA is doing what it can to change these dismal number and to get older Americans moving again. One of the Agency's primary objectives in its Strategic Action Plan is to "Partner with other federal agencies and private sector organizations to promote policies, programs and activities that encourage older people to adopt and maintain active lifestyles and practice healthy behaviors." The AOA has grant money available for this purpose.

Winston is not a pup anymore. He knows that, young or old, exercise is the key to staying fit and trim. That's why Winston insists on his two long walks each day, rain or shine.

For more information about partnering with AOA, call 202/619-0724 or email
  • Click for the AOA website.
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