October 31, 2009

Blue Ribbon Task Force Delays Action on MPA Selection until a November Meeting

Malibu Surfside News


After three days of debate, discussion and input that included hours of public testimony from fishing advocates and Marine Protected Area proponents, the Blue Ribbon Task Force, appointed to choose one of three Marine Life Protection Act Initiative implementation plans to present to the Department of Fish and Game, opted to postpone their final decision until November.

MLPA process worries locals

Written by Kurt Madar, The Triplicate October 29, 2009

Timeline for public input questioned on eve of workshop
A change in the process for creating marine protected areas on the North Coast has opponents of additional protections feeling sidelined.

But representatives of the Marine Life Protection Act, the legislation responsible for crafting MPAs, claim the change was intended to al­low those same critics more ac­cess to the pro­cess.

The change pushes to the front end the opportunity for interested parties to create their own protection proposals.

October 24, 2009

Marine Protected Areas, Offshore Drilling, and Ocean Zoning

by Dan Bacher
Saturday Oct 24th, 2009 8:54 AM

John Lewallen, highly respected author, environmental leader and seaweed harvester, is calling for a community meeting in Fort Bragg to discuss a plan of resistance to the corrupt Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) process, funded by a private corporation, the Resource Legacy Foundation. Please read this excellent commentary by Lewallen.

Real environmentalists don’t support Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fast-track MLPA process, the peripheral canal or the killing of blue whales under the guise of “research” and marine “protection.”
Marine Protected Areas, Offshore Drilling, and Ocean Zoning: Proposed community meeting in Fort Bragg Town Hall

Panel pushes decision about marine protected areas to November

Oct. 23, 2009 | Molly Peterson | KPCC

A blue ribbon panel charged with choosing marine protected areas along Southern California’s coast has delayed making a recommendation until next month. The panel wants more scientific information about a few key areas.

Hundreds of fishermen, kayakers, and supporters of ocean conservation turned out over three days in Long Beach to offer their views about which areas need protection most. The Marine Life Protection Act requires consideration of educational, environmental, and economic impacts in designing marine protected areas.


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What marine areas and ocean life most need protection? Tell KPCC.

October 19, 2009

Scientists Call for “Ocean Parks” to Protect Seas

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The Seoul Times

The Great Barrier Reef of Australia: A blue starfish rests on a coral reef around the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi). The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia.