October 19, 2009

Testimony: Dave Harbour, Retired Commissioner, Regulatory Commission of Alaska

Ocean Policy Task Force Public Meeting, 8-21-09

Madam Chair and members of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force:

I am Dave Harbour, a retired Alaska regulatory commissioner. I publish an energy website and serve as a volunteer member of the Consumer Energy Alliance Board of Advisors.

Since you wish to recommend Ocean policy that is based on science and facts I offer you these additional recommendations on ‘process’ as a former Alaskan regulator.

October 18, 2009

International seminar on Marine Protected Areas to be held in Malta

European and African participants from 11 countries next week will meet in Malta for an international seminar on Marine Special Protected Areas. The international seminar aims to establish criteria for the designation of protected areas at sea through seabird research. The seminar and workshops are organized by the EU LIFE Yelkouan Shearwater Project in collaboration with BirdLife International’s Global Seabird Programme and will take place between the 20th and 22nd of October, at the Aula Magna, Old University Building in Valletta. On Tuesday Maltese officials from MEPA, OPM, Malta Centre for Fisheries


October 17, 2009

Nobel economist’s work hailed by catch share foes

By Richard Gaines
Staff Writer

The Nobel Prize in economics bestowed upon Elinor Ostrom this week largely honors her work showing that commonly owned resources can be preserved and managed by stakeholders as well as or better than by governments or through privatization.

And many within the fishing community are noting her position as a strong statement against the “catch-share” management format being pushed for New England and other fisheries.

October 16, 2009

Federal scientists: Limit offshore drilling plans

Citing danger to marine life, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration opposes opening large tracts of coast to drilling and recommends buffer zones off Santa Barbara.

NOAA comments on leasing program draft
By Jim Tankersley and Josh Meyer

October 12, 2009

Reporting from Washington – The federal government’s top ocean scientists are urging the Interior Department to drastically reduce plans to open the coast to offshore oil and gas drilling, citing threats to marine life and potentially devastating effects of oil spills in Arctic waters.

Fishing Orgs Band Together To Fight Interim Report

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Usually when the fishing public hears about an access battle, it involves the coastline, or a steelhead or wild trout stream. But lately, the threat of possible widespread, freshwater gamefish closures reared its head. In response, stakeholders from across the fishing industry have circled their wagons to fight it.

The genesis of the problem stretches back through several years, and several presidential administrations, and is rooted in a farcical misconception that lumps commercial and recreational anglers together. And at the core is the ever-present battle between preservation and conservation.