February 28, 2010

Coalition’s recommendations for Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning

Marine Spatial Planning
2010 February 28
by Tom SadlerAn important coalition of recreational fishing and boating groups recently submitted recommendations for the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force’s Interim Framework for Effective Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning.

The coalition was made up of the American Sportfishing Association, Bass Anglers Sportsmen Society, Berkley Conservation Institute, Center for Coastal Conservation, Coastal Conservation Association, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, International Game Fish Association, National Marine Manufacturers Association, Shimano Sport Fisheries Initiative, and The Billfish Foundation.

February 26, 2010

NOAA Grants Program Proposed to Support Marine Spatial Planning

Feb. 5, 2010
Much of the work supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Marine Conservation Initiative advances marine spatial planning (MSP). By spatially dividing the marine environment, MSP reduces conflict among competing users and promotes conservation while addressing environmental, economic, and social objectives. A newly proposed, $20 million grants program for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) would support MSP projects around the country.

Read the full story:


February 22, 2010


Marine Spatial Planning–MMS
and the Ocean Policy

Task Force Framework
Jully McQuilliams
OCS Workshop
January 20, 2010

Read http://www.ocsadvisoryboard.org/files/workshops/2010/2.pdf

A more balanced approach using marine spatial planning

The old balkanized approach to ocean management, in which different resources and activities are governed by different laws and administered by different agencies, has failed to protect ocean ecosystems or reduce conflicts between ocean users, a panel of international scientists says, and should be replaced with a more balanced approach using marine spatial planning.

The panel, organized by scientists from Duke University, made its case at a symposium at 8:30 a.m. Feb. 20, at this year’s annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) in San Diego.

February 15, 2010

NOAA Grant Proposal Could Launch Marine Zoning

By ALLISON WINTER of Greenwire
Published: February 5, 2010

The Obama administration is proposing a grant program that could start zoning marine areas for offshore projects.

 The White House released a fiscal 2011 budget proposal this week that includes $20 million in grants for regional ocean partnerships. The competitive grants would support planning for marine zoning.

Advocates of the zoning effort say the proposal — a small part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s $5.55 billion annual budget — would be a big step toward helping improving the marine management.