June 23, 2010

NOAA’s New “State of the Coast” Website

On June 8, 2010, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that NOAA

             “has launched a State of the Coast website to highlight the importance of healthy coastal ecosystems. The site offers quick facts as well as detailed statistics using interactive images to highlight information about coastal communities, coastal ecosystems, the  coastal economy, and how a changing climate might impact the coast. Explore topics such as changes in coastal population, the impact of coastal areas on the U.S. economy, the overall health of the U.S. coast, and the vulnerability of coasts to long-term sea level rise. Visit the website at http://stateofthecoast.noaa.gov.”

June 10, 2010

Marine Protected Areas FACA Committee Issues Climate Change Report that Recommends “science‐based and stakeholder‐informed”Action

By letter dated May 3, 2010, the Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee (“Committee”) sent its Recommendations on Climate Change in the Ocean to the U.S. National Administration on Oceans and Atmosphere and to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Their report is entitled Climate Change in the Ocean: Implications and Recommendations for the National System of Marine Protected Areas (“Report”). It is available online at http://mpa.gov/pdf/helpful-resources/mpafac_tor_doi_5-3-10-1.pdf.

The Committee recommends in their Report that the “appropriate authorities”

“I. design MPAs, MPA networks and the National System of MPAs to be as
ecologically resilient as practicable to the impacts of climate change; and

June 2, 2010

NMFS Adds 29 New Sites to National System and Responds to Public Comment

On May 25, 2010, the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service published Federal Register notice that 29 sites have been added to the list of National System of Marine Protected Areas.  NMFS also responded to public comment on the adding the new sites and on the National System in general.

NMFS’ Federal register notice explains that