August 29, 2012

Govt commits to establishing biggest marine park in the world

Editors Note: This is an example of how coastal and marine spatial planning is not being implemented as a comprehensive planning tool as it was intended.  Instead marine spatial planning is unequally weighted towards conservation efforts.


The Southern Cook Islands Government has committed to a 1 million sqkm marine park — almost twice the size of France and the largest single marine park in the world. At a major international meeting in Abu Dhabi this week, Prime Minister Henry Puna challenged the international community to support developing countries, such as the Cook Islands, which have vowed to protect the oceans.

August 6, 2012

Esri Joins World Ocean Council (MarineLink)

From: Marinelink

Esri joins the World Ocean Council (WOC) to support ocean sustainable development & conservation

Esri’s chief scientist Dawn Wright will share her geospatial expertise with WOC’s Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) and Ocean Science working groups. Esri is a world leader in GIS.

“Geospatially referenced information is critical to addressing environmental challenges in the fluid, dynamic, interconnected marine world,” said Paul Holthus, executive director, WOC. “Esri provides tools, technology, and innovation that support the responsible use and management of ocean space and resources.”

WOC members are oil and gas, seafloor mining, shipping, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, and offshore renewables companies.