January 24, 2013

Coastal legislators top Jan. 25 marine advisory council agenda (State of Washington – Dept of Ecology)

OLYMPIA – Washington’s coastal state legislators have been invited to share their perspectives on important ocean issues and legislative priorities at the Jan. 25, 2013, Washington Coastal Marine Advisory Council meeting in Olympia.

The public meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Pritchard Building, Washington Room, 415 Sid Snyder Ave. S.W., Olympia. The meeting agenda is at:http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/ocean/pdf/agenda_jan2013.pdf

Lawmakers have been invited to discuss marine spatial planning, ocean acidification recommendations and potential legislation affecting Washington’s coast. During work sessions, the advisory council will discuss 2013 priorities and prepare a timeline of activities for the coming year. They also will hear updates on other projects including marine spatial planning activities.

January 15, 2013


From: Human Events

Tucked inside a massive spending bill intended to help victims of Hurricane Sandy but loaded with pork projects is $150 million for President Barack Obama’s ambitious plan to zone the oceans.

If approved by the House today, the money will go to a regional ocean partnership to help begin implementation of Obama’s highly controversial National Ocean Policy.

But not without a fight from Rep. Bill Flores: The Texas Republican will introduce an amendment this afternoon to kill the funding for the “marine special planning” project.

Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.) reportedly inserted the ocean zoning funding into the bill.

January 10, 2013

GOP bills aid NOAA, not fishing (Gloucester Times)

From: Gloucester Times

By Richard Gaines

Replacing virtually all fisheries disaster relief for Massachusetts and seven other states in the Senate’s Hurricane Sandy supplemental spending bill, Republican House Rules Committee amendments feature $261 million for two highly controversial programs at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration unaffected by the superstorm.

One line item in the two amendment package calls for spending $150 million for “Regional Ocean Partnership grants,” which fund non-government organization involvement in the National Ocean Policy’s “marine spacial planning” initiative.

The other item authorizes spending $111 million on a “weather satellite data mitigation gap reserve fund.”

January 2, 2013

Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones Proposed for UK Coastline (The Fish Site)

From: The Fish Site


ANALYSIS – The Government is currently considering proposals for a system of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ) that will contribute to Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s) around the UK’s coastline.

The Government is proposing to designate around 10,900 km2 of marine habitat to MCZ’s in the first phase next year. The 31 proposed sites provide a home to a variety of animals and plants, such as corals, jellyfish and seahorses.