May 20, 2014

Altering shipping routes for offshore wind development could save billions


Rerouting ships to open up areas for offshore wind development could save billions of dollars in construction and operating costs for the renewable energy source, according to new findings by the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment (CEOE).

The savings come at a relatively small expense for sending commercial ships slightly farther out to sea when traveling between Mid-Atlantic ports, the research shows. The analysis was part of an economic study on societal  and benefits of allocating ocean space off the coast for .

May 13, 2014

European Maritime Day 2014: Innovating for a sustainable use of our oceans (European Commission)

From: European Commission

Innovation and research in the maritime economy can drive a European growth and jobs recovery whilst securing a sustainable future for Europe’s seas, oceans, and all those whose livelihoods depend on them. That is the focus of this year’s European Maritime Day held in Bremen, Germany, on 19-20 May which will host an exchange of ideas between experts, stakeholders from all maritime sectors and policy makers from across the EU.