July 27, 2009

On July 28 and 29, the MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force will meet in Santa Monica to set guidelines for the third and final round of stakeholder negotiations to create a marine protected area network that will extend from Point Conception to the border with Mexico.

The marine protected area plans produced during the first two rounds failed to meet science guidelines, so stakeholders will go back to the drawing board in August to come up with proposals that will serve the people and wildlife of southern California.

Divers, snorkelers, surfers, birders, tidepoolers, and kayakers are encouraged to attend the meeting and provide input. With their help, stakeholders can map out marine protected areas that will conserve important habitat and sensitive sea life while enhancing recreation, study and education opportunities and leaving the majority of coastal waters open for fishing.

For more information about this and other MLPA meetings, visit www.dfg.ca.gov/mlpa.

Cal Oceans