From: Malta Independent 

Parliamentary Secretary for Planning Michael Farrugia is in agreement with the proposal made by Environment Commissioner David Pace to draw up a marine development plan to regulate the development of the coast and surrounding seas as part of the Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development being undertaken by the government.

Dr Farrugia said the plan, drafted back in December, included sufficient detail as to what should take place and where, adding that specific and area-related matters can be dealt with once the plan is in place.

Dr Farrugia was replying to a question put by this newspaper as to whether he would be taking up the Environment Commissioner’s proposal in the light of a letter sent to him by Mr Pace back in July and published in the press two weeks ago, inviting the government to consider the proposal to draw up a marine plan.

This exercise is even more relevant now that the government has officially launched its land reclamation plans. Dr Farrugia is to lead the government’s exploration of land reclamation possibilities.

The Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development (SPED) covers up to 25 nautical miles of marine space. Dr Farrugia pointed out that the draft prepared in December of last year included sufficient detail on what should happen and where.

It has been suggested that a plan be prepared following the approval of SPED, the general direction of which would be linked to the revised SPED, said Dr Farrugia.

However, he pointed out that this would be a piecemeal approach, whereas strategic direction should always be given in one consolidated document.

“Local plans can deal with specific and area-related matters once the plan is in place; the appropriate medium for this should be the Maritime Affairs Committee,” he said.

Din l-Art Helwa last week backed the Environment and Planning Commissioner’s call for a maritime spatial plan.

Although the call does not specify the government’s land reclamation proposals, the plan to regulate the development of the coast and surrounding seas would also encompass the land reclamation issue.

In his letter, Mr Pace says: “The government is currently conducting an exercise for a complete revision of Local Plans. This exercise is intended to identify shortcomings that exist in the Local Plans as they stand today, as well as to propose innovative ideas and recommend new directions for land use that can be considered as beneficial.

“There is no doubt that the development that took place during the last 20 years since the setting up of Mepa, has caused changes in the lifestyle of the country and the expectations of the Maltese in various activities like entertainment, leisure and access to the countryside and the sea. Such developments are creating more pressure on the use of land and therefore this exercise is necessary so that land use today and in the near future is regulated in a sustainable and integrated manner.

“An area that has always been subject to various pressures of development is the zone encompassing the coast and adjoining marine area. At present, it can be noted that apart from the traditional use of the sea for fishing and swimming, other new means of entertainment and economic activity have been created. These include nautical sports, diving as a pastime that has developed into a new and important niche industry in tourism, and the fish-farming industry.

“Concurrently, a greater awareness has developed about the natural heritage, ecology and marine resources that necessarily need to be given their due importance in the strategic planning of the use of these areas.

“I therefore believe that one should take the opportunity to draw up a marine subject plan in the exercise that you are conducting. Such a plan would cover issues concerning Marine Spatial Planning. The plan should serve as a guide in the choices that need to be made in those cases where there is conflict in the demand for use of these areas.

“In this way, every proposal for development, use of resources or conservation programmes would be considered in an integrated and holistic manner within the parameters of this plan.

“At the same time, any person who would like to promote a project that affects these areas would have a clear indication whether his proposal could be favourably approved.”