March 2, 2014

Core fishing grounds aid marine planning (World Fishing & Aquaculture)

From: World Fishing & Aquaculture

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is calling on fishermen to comment on the benefits and difficulties when it comes to marine spatial planning zones.

This is all part of a new project being run up until the end of March which aims to help marine planning identify ways to best take account of fishing activities.

“We are keen to work with the industry on how best to take account of fishing activity in future marine plans,” said marine planner, Ruth Barber.

February 12, 2014

Reserve battle heats up (Auckland Now)

From: Auckland Now

Opponents of a marine reserve proposed for the northern residential side of the island are warning the issue could end up in court.

They are calling for action to avert the showdown and are urging the Waiheke Local Board to consult residents.

Andrew Barclay, Deb Cox and Miriam Whelan from Keep Our Beaches represent more than 2500 people who have signed their petition.

They say 82 per cent of them have a Waiheke address and they have written backing from Piritahi Marae and the Waiheke Island Fishing and Recreational Group.

December 18, 2013

Go-ahead for Humber marine energy park (Planning Resource)

by Michael Donnelly

From: Planning Resource

Transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin has approved plans for a new port on the Humber Estuary to serve the offshore wind energy sector after concluding that the adverse impacts of the scheme in relation to protected wildlife habitats could be mitigated.

The Humber Estuary
The Humber Estuary
McLoughlin has granted development consent for Able Humber Ports’ marine energy park on the south bank of the Humber Estuary at Killingholme in North Lincolnshire and associated development including an ecological compensatory scheme on the north bank of the Humber Estuary.

In August, McLoughlin asked for more details on several aspects of the application including the risk that mitigation measures would not work and assurance that the scheme would not jeopardise any future operations of the Killingholme Branch railway.

November 26, 2013

Nautical Charting Survey Completed for MCA (Hyrdo International)

From: Hydro International

On 25 September 2013, Fugro EMU collected the last of over 15 billion bathymetric soundings as part of its involvement in the 2011-2013 Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) Civil Hydrography Programme. Working in UK coastal waters between the 2-metre and 40-metre contours, Fugro EMU surveyed over 3,000 km2 of seabed off the English, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish coastlines utilising a fleet of eight dedicated survey vessels.

November 8, 2013

World Ocean Council Launches Marine Spatial Planning Guide for Shipping Industry (the Fish Site)

From: The Fish Site

GLOBAL – The World Ocean Council (WOC) and The Nautical Institute (NI) have jointly produced a guide to assist maritime professionals to better understand and engage in Marine Spatial Planning (MSP).

The guidance will also help MSP proponents understand shipping industry requirements in relation to management of ocean areas.

With this guidance document, “The Shipping Industry and Marine Spatial Planning: A Professional Approach”, WOC and the NI are working to ensure that maritime professionals can readily become more informed and involved in MSP, particularly at the local level. The guide provides an introduction to MSP and an overview of key shipping-related issues to need to be considered as MSP moves forward in various parts of the world.