Syrian smuggling a rising risk for Turkey

From: Global Risk Insights


The conflict in Syria has resulted in many spillover problems in the region, also in Turkey. As the fighting continues, Turkish law enforcers are struggling to combat rising levels of illegal cross-border activities such as smuggling and trafficking.


In particular, smuggling of goods from Syria into Turkey has become a prominent concern as a result of ISIS and other factions gaining control over hydrocarbon production in regions of Syria, which Turkish politicians have estimated is earning the Islamic State $2 million per day.

However, illicit activities linking Turkey to Syria goes beyond smuggled gasoline, and also encompasses counterfeit money, cigarettes, and the trafficking of narcotics and humans. These illicit operations pose a risk for international energy and tobacco companies concerned about brand protection as well as financial institutions with concerns about money laundering in Turkey.


In addition to illegal drugs, cigarettes, one of the most frequently smuggled items worldwide, is also a favorite item to be smuggled from Syria. The border crossing at Öncüpınar alone has seized nearly 200,000 packs of contraband cigarettes since the beginning of the year, while law enforcement operations in border villages in the region of Kilis in early July netted nearly 120,000 packs.

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