Over 2,200 Tons of North Carolina Tobacco Smuggled into Canada

Editor’s Note: One of the least explored facets of tobacco trafficking in North America is the source of the tobacco which is processed into illicit whites and other contraband cigarettes. 

From: The Hamilton Spectator

First Nations groups criticize Project Mygale tobacco smuggling bust


Two million kilograms of tobacco were bought in North Carolina and illegally imported in trucks at the Lacolle, Que., Lansdowne, Ont. and Fort Erie border crossings between August 2014 and March 2016. The tobacco was processed mostly on reserves, police say.


It went on to say, “operations, like the recent Mygale project, often lump the legal manufacturing and trade of tobacco by indigenous people with organized crime activities. This is not only incorrect, but highly misleading. Both Kahnawake and Six Nations have deemed organized crime, and criminal activities to be illegal within their territories. Both Iroquois communities co-operate with neighbouring law enforcement bodies on investigations relating to illegal activities occurring within their nations.”

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