How the Hells Angels Made a Massive Comeback in Quebec

From: Vice

ByNick Rose


These raids were the culmination of Operation SharQc (“Stratégie Hells Angels rayon Québec”), a Miami Vice-sounding codename for a massive three-year investigation intended to cripple Quebec’s most notorious biker gang. It may have succeeded in the short term, with Hells Angels chapters closing across the province and key players looking at serious jail time, but eight years and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars later, we are seeing a very different outcome.



The charges related to SharQc ranged from drug trafficking, to murder, to conspiracy to commit murder, to distributing contraband tobacco, and it’s not like there was a shortage of evidence for the Crown to build their case on. Over the course of their investigations, police amassed some 3,097,649 pages of evidence and 24,446 audiovisual files on the Hells Angels.

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