Health Canada’s Proposed Menthol Ban Will Further Fuel Organized Crime’s Violent Fire

Editor’s Note: Canadians are already paying the price from the violent, transnational crime groups that thrive off the illicit trade in tobacco. If Canada bans menthol cigarettes, Health Canada will enrich the very same organizations that sell cigarettes to kids for pennies a stick to fund violence. See, Weaponizing Poverty.

From: Imperial Tobacco Canada

Where is reason and consistency in Health Canada’s proposed menthol cigarette ban?

MONTREAL, Jan. 19, 2017 /CNW/ – Health Canada is abandoning any pretense of evidence-based decision making and regulatory consistency as the department seeks to ban menthol cigarettes while simultaneously pursuing the legalization of marijuana, claiming in both cases that it is in the interest of protecting youth.

“The Government says it is banning menthol cigarettes to protect youth. However, in seeking to legalize marijuana, the Government – including the Prime Minister – says prohibition does not work. So menthol cigarettes will be banned in order to reduce youth access, yet marijuana is due to become legal in order to reduce youth access. How can both the prohibition of one product and legalization of another protect youth?” asks Eric Gagnon, Head of External and Corporate Affairs for Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited.

Read Complete Press Release


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