
A Syllabus on OIRA
Seven Game Changers
OIRA Watch
OIRA Teaching Module
OIRA Enforcement

What is OIRA?

What is OIRA. OIRA is the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, an office within the White House Office of Management and Budget, responsible for managing the federal regulatory process. OIRA was established by Congress in the 1980 Paperwork Reduction Act. OIRA is staffed by career civil servants responsible for economic and related analyses. Specific OIRA responsibilities include:

OIRA's Role in the Federal Regulatory Process. OIRA's role in the rulemaking process, is determined by the policies set by the President in Executive Order 12866. The Executive Order directs agencies to adhere to certain principles during the rulemakings such as consideration of alternatives, and analysis of both benefits and costs.

For a more complete history of OIRA's regulatory review program, see TheOMB.US and OIRA History.