DOD Releases Cloud Computing Strategy; Designates DISA as the Enterprise Cloud Service Broker

Editor’s Note:  The Memorandum on Cloud Computing Strategy from Pentagon CIO Teresa Takai is attached below as is the Memorandum from Ms. Takai designating the Defense Information Systems Agency as the Department of Defense Enterprise Cloud Service Broker.

From: DoD

The Department of Defense announced today the release of a cloud computing strategy that will move the department’s current network applications from a duplicative, cumbersome, and costly set of application silos to an end state designed to create a more agile, secure, and cost effective service environment that can rapidly respond to changing mission needs.  In addition, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has been named as the enterprise cloud service broker to help maintain mission assurance and information interoperability within this new strategy.

“We are moving to an enterprise cloud environment that provides tangible benefits across the department by supporting the delivery of the joint information environment, from the continental United States to the warfighter at the tactical edge.  This strategy lays the groundwork, as part of the Joint Information Environment framework, for achieving cloud adoption within the department,” said Teri Takai, Defense Department chief information officer. “It focuses on the creation of department core data centers, enterprise cloud infrastructure and sustainment of cloud services.”

“The Defense Department is committed to accelerating the adoption of cloud computing and providing a secure, resilient enterprise cloud environment,” said Takai.  “This strategy will align with all department-wide information technology efficiency initiatives, federal data center consolidation and cloud computing efforts.  The result of the strategy will be improved mission effectiveness, increased IT efficiencies, and enhanced cyber security.”

For further information about this strategy, please access .  You may also access the cloud strategy memo at and the designation of DISA as the enterprise cloud service broker at .




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