The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service recently published a Semiannual Regulatory Agenda that provides a revised rulemaking schedule for NMFS’ Marine Mammal Protection Act Permit Regulation Revisions. These rules would revise the implementing regulations governing the issuance of permits for activities under section 104 of the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act.
The intent of this action would be to streamline and update (using plain language) the general permitting information and the specific requirements for the four categories of permits: scientific research (including the General Authorization);enhancement; educational and commercial photography; and public display. The revisions would also simplify procedures for collection, possession, and transfer of marine mammals parts collected before the effective date of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and also clarify reporting requirements for public display facilities holding marine mammals.
According to NMFS’ latest agenda, these rules would have a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in December 2015.