Evaluating Regulations after the Fact

Editor’s Note: Routine cost-benefit analysis of planned regulatory actions began during the Nixon Administration using techniques pioneered by the Corps of Engineers during the Johnson Administration. For information on the pre-Reagan history of centralized regulatory review, please see, OIRA’s Formative Years: The Historical Record of Centralized Regulatory Review Preceding OIRA’s Founding, [63 Admin. L. Rev. (Special Edition) 2011] here.

From: RegBlog | Penn Program on Regulation

Ever since the Reagan Administration, federal regulatory agencies have routinely conducted benefit-cost analyses of significant new regulatory proposals before they adopt them. However, these same agencies only infrequently look back, after adopting new rules, to determine whether these rules actually serve their intended purposes. That will start to change if agencies act on recommendations adopted late last year by the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS), a federal agency charged with finding ways to improve the work of regulatory agencies.

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