The OIRA Module: Regulatory Impact Analyses


White House Regulatory Impact Analysis


With this document, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs is providing a primer to assist agencies in developing regulatory impact analyses (RIAs), as required for economically significant rules by Executive Order 13563, Executive Order 12866, and OMB Circular A-4.


OECD Regulatory Impact Analyses
This handbook provides practical guidance on using Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) as a way of improving regulatory quality and, as a result, government effectiveness and efficiency. RIA systems are fundamental to initiatives pursuing a comprehensive improvement in regulatory practices and performance
for both OECD countries and countries in transition.


EU EU Regulatory Impact Analyses

The latest Better Regulation Guidelines (2015) contain guidance on how Commission Services conduct impact assessments. These are accompanied by a toolbox which provides complementary guidance for Commission staff on specific impact assessment elements.

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