Is GAO Becoming the New Office of Technology Assessment? Will it Voluntarily Comply with the Data Quality Act?

Editor’s Note: GAO is substantially bolstering its analytic capabilities by creating a new Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics (STAA) team. The agency explains that STAA’s activities will include conducting “peer reviews and other expert reviews.” The question is open as to whether STAA will voluntarily adhere to the Office of Management and Budget’s Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review, Updated Principles for Risk Analysis, and Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Agencies.

From: US GAO Watchblog

Building Capacity in Science & Technology



A second element of the plan is partnerships, which we need in order to give Congress access to world-leading researchers in a variety of fields. We will use partnerships to convene panels of experts, collaborate on research, and conduct peer reviews and other expert reviews.

One of our key partners is the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The launch of STAA adds new dimensions to this long-standing relationship. For example, we recently began work on a set of 3 technology assessments on artificial intelligence in health care, which we plan to conduct jointly with panels of researchers to be assembled by the National Academy of Medicine.

We are making additional connections, for example by establishing 2 external boards to further enhance our science and technology work. The first is an advisory board of thought leaders, who will help give us the vision to anticipate and respond to critical technologies as they emerge, or even before. Its members will include experts from industry, academia, and nonprofits, as well as former senior government officials. The second will be made up of experts who will focus on our technology assessments, helping us ensure they are rigorous, relevant, and fully peer reviewed.

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