January 29, 2014

Feds to list truck drivers who fail drug, alcohol tests

From: The Hill/RegWatch

By Tim Devaney

The Obama administration is poised to issue regulations that target truck drivers who have failed drug or alcohol tests.

The  new rule from the Department of Transportation would establish a federal database of commercial truck and bus drivers who have failed or refused  to take the tests. The database would be available to trucking companies so that they can perform background checks before hiring prospective employees.

The White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) this week completed a review of the rule, which was originally submitted for approval in March 2013. All economically significant regulations must go through OIRA before they are published in the Federal Register.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the division of the Transportation Department that crafted the regulation, is expected to move forward with the proposed rule in the coming months. Before it goes into effect, it will be open for public comment.

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