December 10, 2014

FAA Is Closer To Issuing New Rules Governing Drones, Says Former White House Official

From: The Gospel Herald

By Mark Albertson

Lisa Ellman, a former White House senior advisor on technology and now counsel at the law firm of McKenna Long & Aldridge, told an audience of company executives at a meeting of the Bay Area Council in San Francisco on Monday that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has sent a draft of new rules governing the use of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) to the White House for review. “The rules are literally being written as we speak,” Ellman told the group.

According to Ellman, the rules were sent on October 25 and were being reviewed by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), which plays a key role in the drafting of federal regulations. The review period is generally 90 days which means the new rules could be issued by the end of January.

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