December 29, 2014

Industry Proposes A ‘Micro Drone’ Rule As Regulatory Deadline Looms

From: Forbes

Today, the UAS America Fund, LLC announced their formal request to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for a proposed regulation to govern all commercial operations for extremely lightweight drones operated at low altitudes.  The petition — which is supported by a scientific study using FAA data — lays out a segmented approach to regulating different categories of UAS.  The scientific study was conducted by a former NASA engineer who served as a member of the orbital debris analysis team for the space shuttle Columbia accident investigation.


The proposed regulation would govern all commercial flights of drones weighing three pounds or less, operated below 400 feet, at least five miles away from airports and by pilots with a demonstrated level of aeronautical knowledge.  (Full
disclosure: Earlier this month, I conferred and brainstormed with Brendan Schulman about the merits of a rule for very small unmanned aircraft.  Separately, in a 12866 meeting last week, I formally discussed with and urged the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs to adopt a different, albeit substantively similar rule).

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