January 2, 2015

Net neutrality to dominate D.C.’s tech agenda

Editor’s Note: The FCC’s net neutrality actions will be subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act and the Data Quality Act. See here.

From: Politico

The FCC will soon issue a new set of Open Internet rules, and Republicans in Congress are already making plans to push back.


For the White House, a major win on net neutrality might come at a cost — scuttling everything else on Washington’s tech and telecom agenda next year.

The Federal Communications Commission is racing to write rules that require Internet service providers to treat all Web traffic equally, and many expect the agency will follow President Barack Obama’s call to treat broadband service like a utility. Telecom giants and Republican lawmakers say that will create burdensome new regulation — and the issue has already incited a lobbying frenzy, raised the specter of lawsuits and ignited new partisan fires on Capitol Hill.

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