August 8, 2015

A Critique of Centralized Regulatory Review

There are thousands and thousand of regulators but less than fifty individuals in OIRA that seek to hold them accountable. Nonetheless there are countless articles criticizing OIRA as witnessed below. If you want a  challenge attempt to find articles in support of OIRA; while they exist they most certainly do not dominate the debate.

This forum, the Promotion of Teaching Models for OIRA, is a concentrated effort to balance the one-sided coverage of centralized regulatory review by providing information on OIRA’s modus operandi. One cannot expect an overworked and overly criticized group of civil servants to continue to survive without any outside constituency. Nor can we expect all readers of this forum to support OIRA but we can expect a balanced review of its operations.

A number of recognized scholars have stated that centralized regulatory review is the most important institutional feature of the regulatory state; we agree. It is time that our best minds work to improve this feature not destroy it. In contrast the entities identified below are gifts that keep giving opposition to OIRA with virtually no checks on their actions.

Professor  Steinzor

New Republic

Center for Progressive Reform # 2

Center for Progressive Reform # 3


Professor Heinzerling

Professor Wagner

Professor Shapiro, ABA Reg Section (p. 6)

Professor McGarity

Compare the above studies with,

Presidential Studies Quarterly/Woodrow Wilson School Princeton

OIRA Review Princeton/Michigan/Pitt

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