August 8, 2015

Paperwork Reduction Act

The Paperwork Reduction Act was signed into law in December of 1980. The PRA serves as the foundation for OIRA because it provides,

1. The statutory basis for OIRA’s existence.

2. OMB with absolute authority to approve or disapprove the collection of information from the private sector

3. OMB statutory authority over the information collection programs of the independent agencies

4. The statutory base for the enactment of the Data Quality Act.

See, the opening Congressional Testimony of Wayne Granquist, Associate Director of OMB, and Jim Tozzi, Assistant Director of OMB, February, 1980.

See, Administrative Conference of the United States, Paperwork Reduction Act, Research Project

See, Bob Coakley Comments on the Draft Report to The Administrative Conference of the United States on the Paperwork Reduction Act

See, Jim Tozzi Comments on the Draft Report to The Administrative Conference of the United States on the Paperwork Reduction Act

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