CRE Mission Statement

The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE), is a regulatory watchdog founded and managed by former regulatory officials of the regulatory review office (OIRA) of the White House Office of Management and Budget. To this end CRE ensures that regulators comply with the “good government” laws which regulate the regulators”.

CRE personnel have been appointed to the Administrative Conference of the

United States, the federal agency in charge of overseeing the administrative process. The government members of the organization are the top legal officials of the

United States government. In a study based upon NSF funded research academicians have concluded that CRE personnel are among the leading “ policy entrepreneurs” in the nation.

CRE manages a number of websites dedicated to increasing the transparency of the regulatory process, including TheOMB.US, a website focused on OMB’s role in centralized regulatory review. CRE also reports on the activities of the White

House Office of Management and Budget.

CRE acts solely in its own name, not that of its sponsors.