Salt Institute and the Chamber of Commerce v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, HHS


01.   A) Complaint 03/31/2004

B) Chamber of Commerce & Salt Institute Request for Correction 05/14/2003

C) NHLBI Response to Request for Correction 08/19/2003

D) NHLBI Response to FOIA Request 09/03/2003

E) Chamber of Commerce & Salt Institute Information Quality Appeal 09/22/2003

F) NHLBI Response to Appeal 02/11/2004


02.   Financial Interest Disclosure Statement 03/31/2004


03.   Agreed Order 05/27/2005


04.   First Amended Complaint 06/10/2004


05.   Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss 06/25/2004


06.   A) Memorandum in Support of Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss 06/25/2004 (Part 1)

B) Memorandum in Support of Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss 06/25/2004 (Part 2)


07.   Notice of Hearing 06/25/2004


08.   Agreed Order 06/25/2004


09.   A.P1) Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Part 1) 07/15/2004

A.P2) Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss (Part 2) 07/15/2004

B) Appendix: Data Quality Act

C) Appendix: Federal Register – OMB: Data Quality Guidelines


10.   Motion for Leave to Substitute Corrected Brief 07/16/2004


11.   P1) Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss (Part 1)

P2) Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss (Part 2)


12.   Order for Pretrial Conference 08/02/2004

13.   A) Reply Memorandum in Support of Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss

B) The American Journal of Cardiology Article “A Further Subgroup Analysis of the Effects of the DASH Diet and Three Dietary Sodium Levels in Blood Pressure: Results of the DASH-Sodium Trial” 07/15/2004


14.   Declaration of Nancy L. Geller, Director of Biostatistics Research, NHLIB 08/03/2004


15.   Emergency Motion For Continuance and Leave to File Sur-Response 08/05/2004


16.   Memorandum of Law in Support  Plaintiff’s Emergency Motion for Continuance of the Hearing and Leave to File Sur-Response 08/05/2004


17.   A) Defendant’s Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Emergency Motion for Continuance of the Hearing and Leave to File Sur-Response

B) Letter from E. White, DOJ attorney, to R. Rubinstein & M. Solomons, Plaintiff’s Attorneys 08/09/2005


18.   Order that Plaintiffs’ Motion for Continuance and Leave to File Sur-Response is Granted 08/10/2004


19.   Joint Report and Discovery Plan 08/13/2004


20.   M. Solomons Application to Qualify as a Foreign Attorney 08/13/2004


21.   Rule 16(b) Scheduling Order 08/18/2004


22.   A) Plaintiffs Sur-Response to Defendant’s Reply in Support of His Motion to Dismiss 08/27/2004

B) Declaration of D. McCarron, M.D. 08/27/2004


23.   Docket Proceedings as of 09/24/2004


24.  P1) Memorandum Order that Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss is Granted 11/15/2004 (Part 1)

  P2) Memorandum Order that Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss is Granted 11/15/2004 (Part 2)


25.      A)      P1) Appellants Brief (Part 1) 04/15/2005

                        P2) Appellants Brief (Part 2)

                        P3) Appellants Brief (Part 3)


               B)      P1) OMB:Data Quality Act Guidelines

                        P2) HHS Data Quality Guidelines

                        P3) HHS Data Quality Guidelines for Administration for Children and Families

                        P4) NIH Data Quality Guidelines (Part 1)

                        P5) NIH Data Quality Guidelines (Part 2)


26.  Appellee's Brief

27.  NAHB Amicus Brief

28.  Appellants' Reply Brief

29.  GMA Amicus Brief

30.  Fourth Circuit Opinion in Salt Institute v. Leavitt