Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest “Web-log”

March 30, 2005

Navigating Forest Blogging Terrain

by @ 6:51 pm. Filed under General, Blogging Design and Improvement

You may ask, “What the heck is this?” We answer: “It’s the future!” Imagine your Forest in the title block above. Imagine your forest plan being the first thing you’ll begin a web-log on.

Who need to be set up as contributors – those who will “post?”

How best to bring contributors (and the rest of us) up to speed on this new way of communicating with the public? Can we do away with press releases, and just send members of the press any latest “posts” that they need to know about?

How better to kick-start E-Government? How better to begin to bring ourselves up to the standards of the Data Quality Act? (via posts, comments, and hyperlinked documents, maps, etc.)

If all goes according to the plan John Rupe and I have in mind, we’ll use this forum to begin discussing how we can make this web-logging stuff happen. We’ll use this forum to cuss and discuss many things from style, to operation, to content, structure, and so on.

Bring us your ideas, suggestions, reservations, and more. Building on posts and on comments that come in, we can find better ways to improve process, including this one, without the need for so many conference calls, meetings, and 9-1 snap judgments.

Glad to have you with us.. Dave and John.

4 Responses to “Navigating Forest Blogging Terrain”

  1. John Rupe Says:

    So in the lower right hand corner where it says “comment”, you click it and then you can respond.
    You could put parts of the proposed Forest Plan, and then have people propose changes.
    You could attach files of the minutes of public meetings, and people could read and respond.
    You could attach hyperlinks to other documents. I’d encourage the use of photos or jpeg files of maps
    to spiffy up the site also.

  2. Dave Iverson Says:

    You can also just click on the main page “post” (or “Story”) title — at the top — to open up a comments window.

  3. John Rupe Says:

    What’s the “website” field in the leave a reply information??

  4. Says:

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National Forests are made for and owned by the people. They should also be managed by the people. … This means that if National Forests are going to accomplish anything worth while the people must know all about them and must take a very active part in their management.
— Gifford Pinchot, The Use of the National Forests, 1907

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